Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Dramatic increases in solar for California....

Today’s post: Wednesday, 4-1-2009

Two weeks ago, we posted “How renewable energy can reverse the recession....” on Wednesday, 3-18-2009.

In that post we described how a policy called Feed-in tariffs has incredibly positive effects that create new jobs, produce massive amounts of new renewable energy installations, & actually reduce the cost of the renewable energy by lowering the cost to finance it.

We described how Germany, with solar potential similar to British Columbia, has used it to produce half the world’s installed solar in just 15 years. (Since they also created 300,000 jobs and the United States has so much more solar potential, using the Feed-in Tariff everywhere here has the potential to create up to 6 million jobs here.)

We also note that the financing is so safe for the banks that the Feed-in tariff makes renewable energy financeable even in today’s economic conditions.

In addition, we quote a news story that Gainesville, Florida has begun to use the Feed-in tariff policy and which describes the real economic boom that this has produced there.

The reaction of many people when they really hear all about the Feed-in tariff is, “If it has been so well proven to do all these things, WHY on earth aren’t we already using it?”

There are several reasons. One is the political leaders and their key supporters and voters from their districts have to find out about it. They haven’t yet done so or have not done so in nearly enough numbers.

Then actual legislation has to be passed with the technical details included and which gets the important principles right that have made the Feed-in tariff work in place enough to have the legislation work well once enacted.

Here’s the good news. This looks to be about to happen in California. Such a detailed plan has been created and is called the REESA FIT. (FIT is an acronym for FeedInTariff.)

And, bills based on it will be introduced soon in both houses of the California legislature.

This is incredibly important news because if it is passed and signed into law, the following things all become likely.

California will build enough renewable energy capacity to meet its percentage of renewable energy goals on time.

It will create over 300,000 jobs in California.

And, it will revivify the renewable energy companies in California that have been so slammed lately by lack of normal financing. (Financing FIT projects is about as safe as investing in T Bills; and it pays better.)

But of even greater importance, every state in the United States that has somehow missed what the Feed-in tariff has done for Germany will see that it produces the benefits it provides and does so in this country. As a result, many if not most of them will also adopt it.

So, if you know any leader or politician in California, please pass on this post & our URL to them.

And, if you can only pass it on to ONE person, please do that. You never know, that one person may make a key difference it getting the FIT bill enacted in California.

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